
Friday, 22 August 2014

Liebster Award!

So a few days ago I saw I had a new comment and it turned out it was from the lovely Abbie over at About A Girl nominating me for a Liebster Award! Now to be totally honest I've seen these floating around and didn't really pay much attention to it, but from what I can gather it originated in Germany and is generally a way of promoting smaller blogs and showing the blogs you like that you like them! So thank you Abbie! (You should all head over to her blog straight after reading this!) 

However there are some rules:
  • You have to link back to the person that nominated you.
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice. (I'm allowing myself to nominate bloggers with slightly over 200 as's only fair!)
  • You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.
So here are my 11 facts about me! (Wow they were surprisingly hard to think of!)
  1. I cannot stand anyone touching the front of my neck! I don't know why but it REALLY freaks me out...I think it just makes me feel like someone is going to strangle me! (I have friends who take great delight in trying to touch the front of my neck, they're such lovely people!)
  2. I play piano (although not as well as I'd like to) I have my grade 5 and it's one of the ways I stop stressing about things and just relax! (Wow that was kind of cheesy)
  3. My favourite subject is drama, I am literally obsessed with all things theatre!
  4. I once ate a fish eye...It was for a dare, don't worry! (Your opinion of me has probably significantly decreased now)
  5. I absolutely love the 1950s fashion, hair, everything...I'd love to be brave enough to style myself in that way but sadly I am not!
  6. My favourite book is George Orwell's 'Nineteen-Eighty-Four.'It's such an incredible book and I really recommend you read it! A fantastic theatre company called Headlong also produced a stage version which was simply mesmerising and that is also currently my favourite piece of theatre! (I highly recommend you check them out if you are so inclined)
  7. One of my favourite films is 'Trance' directed by Danny Boyle, starring James McAvoy. It has so many plot twists and I mean, who doesn't love a bit of James McAvoy...?!
  8. My obsession with Doctor Who got way too out of hand a long long time ago!
  9. Sometimes meeting new people actually terrifies me, I'm really bad at starting conversations...I never know what to say!
  10. I find it really difficult to think of 10 facts about myself!

Questions asked by About A Girl:

What is your favourite childhood memory?

Oooo this is really difficult! I have so many to choose from! I'd say that visiting family in Australia was definitely a highlight!

Who was your first concert?

I'm pretty sure that P!nk was the first concert I went to! It was honestly incredible...I think I was about 8?

What is the worst thing you have endured?

I don't think I've ever endured anything particularly bad...
Although once when I was younger, we went to Turkey and these really nice shop owners gave us food to try and it was horrific! But I had to eat it out of politeness even though it tasted awful!

What is your favourite social networking platform?

I'm a bit of a twitter addict if I'm honest so I'd have to say twitter! You can follow me if you like @EveryEnvy is my blog twitter and my personal twitter is @pal0mafaith (Shameless plug!)

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Ooo, the craziest thing I've ever done...I don't think I've done anything that crazy to be totally honest! I've been zorbing which was so much fun, although half way down the hill one of the straps holding me in came undone meaning I basically had to cling to the strap and hope the other one didn't come undone! We went in two different types of zorbing balls, one was just the usual clear ball and the other was pitch black! 

Where do you go for your sweet escape from reality?

I absolutely love the theatre and I think that gives an escape from reality, both watching and performing! (Oo-er cheesy response) If I'm not doing anything drama related though I'll probably just go to my room and read a book or play piano!

Would you ever consider shaving your head for money?

I would depend, I mean if someone was offering me a significant amount of money then I probably would. It's just hair, it grows back!

What is the most endearing book you have ever read?

I would have to say 'Nineteen-eighty-four' OR in a clichéd response 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'

What is the one song you would skip if it came on the radio?

I think this is pretty predictable but honestly, any song by Justin Bieber would be skipped without hesitation...

First word that comes to mind?

Eclectic (I have absolutely no idea why!)

What is your favourite pineapple brand?

I have no idea! I prefer fresh pineapple so I'll just say Tesco pineapple...

The wonderful bloggers I have nominated are: 

Question Time!:
  1. If you had a time machine and you were only allowed one trip where would you travel to and why?
  2. Why did you start blogging? And is this your first blog?
  3. If you were to binge watch an entire series of a TV show what would it be?
  4. If you were to write a book what would it be about?
  5. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
  6. Would you kill one innocent person if it meant saving one hundred others? (getting deep now!)
  7. The most exciting thing that has ever happened to you?
  8. Chocolate or sweets?
  9. What is the worst lie you've ever told and were you caught out?
  10. Describe yourself in 4 words (but only positively!)
Bonus Question (It's my blog I'll do what I like): Favourite piece of theatre?

I hope you all enjoyed this post, once again it's a little different (what is going on with my blog at the minute?) but I think you guys now know a little more about me!
I urge you all to check out the blogs mentioned here!

It'd be really great if you maybe left a comment with a random fact about yourself, or maybe you'd like to answer one of the questions yourself?
Do let me know some of your favourite blogs too! I'm always on the look out for new ones!

Until next time, Cheerio! 


  1. Thanks you for the nomination =) means a lot, Loved reading your answers, I really want to go Zorbing although I would be scared in case my strap came undone!!

    1. It's okay, I really like your blog! Ah thank you! Oh no you should definitely go! It's a great experience and even if one came undone I don't think you'd really come to any harm (to be honest it was probably my own fault that mine came undone!) xx

  2. Thank you very much for tagging me! That's so lovely :) Also I LOVE Trance!! I went to see it with my friend and we both left thinking 'what did we just watch?' haha the plot twists were so great!
    Saadiya x

    1. It's totally fine! Your blog is great! Ahhh isn't it just incredible! Films that mess with your head are my favourite kind of films! I look forwards to reading your answers (please tweet it me once you've posted it?) xx
