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As a result of this, I decided to get a little reflective (see the photo above isn't completely random!) and look back at how I was this time last year...
To put it into context, this time last year I had finished year 11 (study leave) and was only popping back into school to take those dreaded GCSEs (I now realise how much of a walk in the park they were compared to A levels!) But looking back I realised just how little confidence I had. I mean I'd never been one of those people that could effortlessly talk to new people or easily speak up about their opinions, but I literally never ever contributed in class, I'd actively avoid looking at my teacher in the hope that they wouldn't pick on me! I would find it really difficult to talk to someone on the phone, and would hate having to go to a checkout in case the person behind the till tried to make small talk! I'd also let my friends talk to new people whilst I'd just stand there, wanting to join in, but having this sort of shield I'd put around myself that I couldn't seem to break through...I just never knew what to say and didn't feel like I could actually join in the conversation!
Writing all that now actually seems crazy, I probably missed out on so much by being to scared to join in! This year I have gained so much confidence, and I have to say that's all down to sixth form! With the smaller classes you HAVE to speak, there is literally no other option!! Even in the larger classes, I now actively volunteer my answers, especially as in my English Language class NO-ONE ever wants to answer, and neither me or one of my close friends can bare to sit in the painful silence that follows a question! It's funny how a year ago, I'd have quite happily sat in silence, forcing someone else to answer a question I actually knew the answer to! In some of my lessons I have the exact same teachers as last year but I somehow feel way more confident and able to contribute in their lessons...maybe it's because I'm more comfortable and confident in myself?
As for answering the phone, I have to do this on a weekly basis at work, I mean, I still don't really like doing it and yes the first few times I was incredibly panicky when the phone rang! But, it's easier and I'm getting used to it!
Paying at a checkout no longer scares me! I'm still not particularly good at small talk (ah, I can't believe it's raining again, typical weather, blah blah blah) but I get along just fine now!
As for meeting new people, I have improved greatly at this! I realised the trick is to just pretend you already know the person and just start a conversation as you would do with a friend! To be honest, I think drama is the reason for my improved social skills when it comes to meeting new people, having to go to a different school for a lesson where you don't actually know anyone is a surprising catalyst for the slight loss of social awkwardness! I've made loads of new friends this year simply because I've actually spoken to people...I mean what have you got to lose? If the person thinks you're a a complete and utter weirdo then you're probably not going to see them again are you?!
I hate thinking that if I'd have gone to college I would probably still be in the same place as last year, I am unbelievably glad I chose to stay at sixth form, and I honestly love the way our whole year is so close (we literally all cram around one table even though there aren't enough chairs!)
I hope this post was somewhat enjoyable, it's a little different to my past few posts and was probably slightly more for my benefit than yours...I guess I'm still trying to find my blogging feet! I should have a few hauls coming up soon as I've been shopping for various bits and bobs this month so keep an eye out for those if you'd like!
Oh and do let me know in the comments if you feel that you're in a completely different place to where you were this time last year! Even if you don't, I'd still love to hear your thoughts!
Until Next Time, Cheerio!
So glad to hear your confidence has grown! When I left school four years ago I was a COMPLETELY different person and even looking back to this time last year it's crazy how much more conifdent I am since going to Uni this year! Crazy how much can change in a year
Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog
Aw thank you! It really is crazy how fast you can change over such a short space of time! I hope uni is going well for you! :) I really love your blog by the way! xx